New Addictions

So part of what helped keep me occupied this weekend (other than my friend Donald’s wedding) was Chain Factor. Compared to DTD, it’s more of a traditional puzzle game, but no less addictive. My current top score is: 191,449 in Basic mode. Since there’s no groups standings on the Chain Factor site, feel free to …

Comment Spam

The photoblog is being hit with a massive storm of comment spam. Most is being filtered by Akismet, but quite a few messages have gotten into the moderation queue this weekend. What’s odd about this is that I have comments “turned off” for old articles (and everything in the photoblog is old. Even weirder is …

Existential Freak-Out

I feel like I have a deep case of depression that’s having a knock-down, drag’em out with a bunch of caffeine–somewhere deep down in my soul. I’m thinking that this is some sort of reaction to whatever happy-juice they pump into the water in the Magic Kingdom… This sucks.