Is DIY-BIO the Personal Computing of the 21st Century?

Last last year I ran across the following article in IEEE Spectrum: Tools for Would-Be Biohackers.  Since I have a daughter with interests in Biology, I considered getting her one of these “mini-labs” as a Christmas gift.  The high cost had me wondering if this was an outrageous idea.  It works out that adjusting for inflation, …

Why I DIY (again)

About four months ago I mentioned that we were having the Kim’s bathroom remodeled. Here we are 4 months later, and I’m still fixing problems the contractor left after ‘finishing the job’. The amount of time is my fault, but the amount of FAIL is his. Mis-installed light switch – works…sometimes Missing toilet gasket – …


Ok, I admit that I enjoy making things with my hands, but I also suck at finishing DIY projects. Therefore, I usually punt on anything that is time/mission-critical to life, and just pay someone to do the work. At the moment, we have contractors at Kim’s house remodeling the upstairs bathroom. Anyone who’s been in …

Highlander Temperature Control Repaired

We’ve been having problems with our Toyota Highlander temperature controls. The system would blow hot/cold air randomly. Messing with the controls would get the correct temperature for a few minutes or seconds and then back to random temps. Luckly, the Internet has lots of documentation on this problem: I followed the directions online …