Google Goggles: Wait, did I miss something?

So today Google officially announced a skunkworks project called Project Glass. Great! Cool! Augmented reality glasses, I’m happy to start conceiving and imagining uses for new technology. But then I see this click-bait* article, and suddenly the facts have changed: It could be a year before Google eyewear reaches stores… Uh, what? Where does anyone …


FTP has been a large part of the on-going server migration.  While I used to use Fetch on the mac, for the last 5 years I’ve just been using scp when I needed to transfer files. Unfortunately, the new hosting company doesn’t support ssh, so I’ve been forced to get back into the FTP business. …

More Migration

The migration has proceeded apace, in spite of other commitments. All e-mail accounts and forwards have been migrated.  Moving the imap accounts was significantly simplified with the use of imapsync.  Oddly, imapsync is free (as in speech), open-source software, but not gratis.  The author wants to be paid if you download it from his website, … server migration started

The main website migration has started. So far I’ve moved DNS and the main page to the new server. I’m going to start moving blogs as I am able. If you have a blog on, please be sure to contact me to make sure your site makes the migration.

Server Migration, part 1

I just started migrating processes from the old server to the new hosting vendor. First up, The e-mail has already been migrated, and I’m cloning over the web page data now. As always let me know if any problems are spotted.