More Migration

The migration has proceeded apace, in spite of other commitments.

All e-mail accounts and forwards have been migrated.  Moving the imap accounts was significantly simplified with the use of imapsync.  Oddly, imapsync is free (as in speech), open-source software, but not gratis.  The author wants to be paid if you download it from his website, but if you can find it somewhere else, it’s yours to do with as you please.  Odd.  And vaguely appropriate for a Frenchman.  Anyway, I found the source-code online, and it worked a treat.

This blog and photoblog have also been migrated.  The migration was somewhat painful since the old server has a slow uplink, and the new server has a short transaction timeout.  Fun.  On this blog, I killed the old theme, but I don’t have time to craft a new one at the moment, so I’m just sticking with the stock one.  I’ll try to come up with something real soon now.  The photoblog has a new posting — the first in about 4 years.  Don’t get too used to the idea of new photos though.