
I’ve started a separate blog to chronicle my journey towards a healthy lifestyle. You can find it at: I’m guessing the day-to-day posts are going to be pretty mundane, but your encouragement and support would be appreciated.

Wedding Update

I’ve been particularly quiet these last couple of days because I’ve been working on the new wedding website. Well that and slogging through some data analysis for a journal article. Anyway, head on over there and let me know what other CSS nightmares I’ve caused. PS: No, I didn’t plan that when we got …

Perspectives on Programming

Lately Mike Taylor over at the Reinvigorated Programmer has been on a roll with a couple of interesting blog posts (at least interesting enough to make Slashdot). First he blogged about deterioration of programming into pure drudgery and more recently he’s disagreed with Dijkstra on the value of BASIC as a first programming language. Here …

Last 1-800-Flowers update

I finally got a refund from 1-800-flowers. 23 days after this all started, I can close the book on this mess. For the record, don’t bother talking with them on the phone. Just go straight to the online customer support (who could have guessed).