Today we’ve heard semi-official news that my surgery is scheduled for Wednesday. It was like getting hit the belly. My fear and nerves now have a new lease on life. Sigh.
Category Archives: General
Days 4-7: Belated update
I apologize for not updating over the past few days. There’s really no good reason for it, since I’m mostly just sitting here. Internet occasionally goes out, but otherwise days are uneventful. I’ve decided on a traditional open-heart bypass surgery. The minimally invasive operation had several things to recommend it, but in the end, the …
Day 3 summary
I started the day with the cath procedure. The results were unexpected. I have significant blockage throughout the blood vessels that feed the heart. Based on the results the decision was made not to proceed with installing stents (since 8 or more would have been necessary). The next step is bypass surgery. I’ll need multiple …
End of day 2 in the Hospital
Thus ends another day in the hospital. Missi showed up again today with my iPhone charger (yea!), the laptop (yea!), and chocolate covered peanuts (I knew I loved her). Things here are now passable enough for me to spend a day or two more. I have a cardiac catheter procedure scheduled for tomorrow. They’ll run …
Health update
I had a stress test this morning. The results weren’t as good as we had hoped. I’m probably going to be admitted to the Cardiac unit. More tests are being scheduled. Stay tuned for more info.
Out of service
While on vacation in Jamaica (sorry I meant to blog about that before this) I started having a hard time with rapid heart rate, shortness of breath and mild chest pain. At the moment, I’m in the University hospital in Baltimore for observation. Everything looks normal at this point, but I’m being admitted overnight for …
Dealing with Spam
I get too much spam. Specifically, my home account gets close to 500 spam messages a day. Normally, I rely on SpamSieve on my Macbook Pro to filter all that noise, and it does a pretty good job (on average 1 spam a day makes it through). But now that I’m also getting my e-mail …
What’s on my iPhone?
Here’s what’s on my iPhone, what’s on yours? (mouse over for names, and don’t bother clicking, they don’t link anywhere)
Bought an iPhone 3G
So I finally got an iPhone. After waiting a full year (and desperately trying to get a 16GB black), I ended up buying an 8GB iPhone. Which pretty much means I’m only a GPS chip and a bit of speed ahead of the previous owners. Some quick notes on the iPhone. It kicks my Motorola …