Cape Cod: Pairpoint Glass

Chakra ballAfter a couple of failed attempts at taking the kids to watch glassblowing, we stopped off at Pairpoint glassworks on our way off Cape Cod. Pretty cool stuff. While the kids only got to watch from windows located above the glassmaking area, visitors who scheduled a “Design your own witch ball” session were treated to close-up tour of glassblowing from the craftsmen. We did buy a “Chakra Ball”, as a souvenir though, our isn’t quite as pretty as this photo, but it’s still lovely.

Next time we might have to book a witch ball session, or maybe we should check out the Sandwich Glass Museum.

2 replies on “Cape Cod: Pairpoint Glass”

  1. Eb and I were planning to visit that area for our wedding anniversary next month (cancelled to save money for the 40th birthday festivities my wife is plotting for me). Glassblowing always looked very interesting (saw some in Venice years ago).

  2. Eb and I were planning to visit that area for our wedding anniversary next month (cancelled to save money for the 40th birthday festivities my wife is plotting for me). Glassblowing always looked very interesting (saw some in Venice years ago).

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