Initial iPad Impressions

I’m typing this on my new iPad using the virtual keyboard which is taking a little getting used to the new key spacing. I’m also using the new WordPress app that’s been updated to take advantage of the iPad’s increased screen real-estate.

The big revelation is that this thing is much faster than an iPhone; I don’t think I realized how slow my iPhone 3G is until now. Some of the apps are a bit underdone. The Netflix app has some minor flaws that I found after just a couple of minutes use.

Unfortunately, the biggest problem has to be the pricing some vendors are asking to move from their iPhone version to the newer iPad apps. Many authors are asking for the same amount or 2x to 3x more for their revised apps. While it might be warranted in some cases, I wonder if it’s really justified in all cases. For instance I paid $10 for a VPN app a couple of years ago; to upgrade to the iPad version would cost $25. It’s not clear that there has been that significant a change to the app beyond extending the screen size…

That’s all I have at the moment, but I’ll keep you updated as my experience with the iPad grows.