Recovery Update

Now that we appear to have stabilized the server connection (it was out again late last week). I just wanted to post a quick note with a status update.

I’m up and about, feeling better everyday. The pain medication makes me a bit fuzzy sometimes, but I’m mostly focussed on my physical therapy and trying to get my lungs clear. I’m sleeping more and taking naps a bit during the day.

I’d like to thank everyone for stopping by over the last few days and I appreciate the outreach and concern I’ve received from all my friends.

4 replies on “Recovery Update”

  1. Like wow.. I was cleaning out some old email and came across your blog link. I was totally expecting that the last update would have been some time in 2006… but no. Sandro actually updates his blog. Who would have guessed it. So once I recovered from that shock, I was really shocked! I am speechless. Wish I had known what was going on sooner. Glad to see that you’re on the road to recovery and please don’t hesitate to let me know if you need anything.

  2. Like wow.. I was cleaning out some old email and came across your blog link. I was totally expecting that the last update would have been some time in 2006… but no. Sandro actually updates his blog. Who would have guessed it. So once I recovered from that shock, I was really shocked! I am speechless. Wish I had known what was going on sooner. Glad to see that you’re on the road to recovery and please don’t hesitate to let me know if you need anything.

  3. good to see you on line–i’ve told missi i’m arround in a pinch.
    at least you have a smart, enthusiastic helper there. suffice it to say that
    many prayers were said in your name and continue to be offered for your return
    to full sandro-ness

  4. good to see you on line–i’ve told missi i’m arround in a pinch.
    at least you have a smart, enthusiastic helper there. suffice it to say that
    many prayers were said in your name and continue to be offered for your return
    to full sandro-ness

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