Long time, no post

I admit it, I’ve been slacking. Not just with posting, but in general. Hopefully this post will signal the beginning of a more active period overall. There’s plenty I’ve been meaning to post about, and hopefully you’ll hear about some of these things and ideas in the coming days:

Building a HD MythTV system
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
101 things in 1001 days (thanks Kevin!)
Wii! Video games are fun again
My new (old) bike
End of a blog

But for the moment, I’m looking for two bits of input.

First, my 35th birthday is coming up, and I’m trying to figure out what to do to commemorate it. The current plan is to invite everyone to meet me someplace in town to celebrate next Friday night, but if people have a better idea (or even just a good venue for the event itself) let me know!

Second, I’m looking for a cool gift to give myself. Anyone have a good suggestion? Of course this might be easier if I post my 101 things first…

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