Whew, done…

Bugs squashed, IE conquered! The forces of goodliness and rightdom have triumphed over the mechinations of evil!

It works out there was a combination of a Microsoft “feature” with a conflict in how my code operated that caused the description block to vanish before it was displayed. It worked everywhere else since other browsers follow the standards. Suffice it to say that if Microsoft had been even vaguely standards compliant, I’d have been done two days ago.

I’m declaring the photoblog design and code, “done”—at least till I can get IE5 installed. Now I just need to take some photos…

Unfortunately, tomorrow is my first official day of classes for the semester, “blech.”

Pulling my “hair” out

Internet Explorer sucks. I’ve finished most of the design work on the photoblog, and now I’m testing it out on a variety of browsers. Firefox—check, Opera—check, Safari—check, OmniWeb—check, Internet Explorer—major havoc. ARGH!!

I’ve cleaned up most of the weirdness in IE6 (can’t check IE5 since it seems to be impossible to have both installed at once), but the mouse-over information for images isn’t being set. When a user moves the mouse over a full-size image on the photoblog, it’s supposed to add description information over the image. Every other browser supports the code easily, IE is a massive problem due to well-documented CSS/JavaScript/DOM bugs, some of which have been around for 2-3 years. No software vendor that isn’t a monopoly could stay in the market without even addressing basic feature failures. To make matters worse, the act of testing the pages in Internet Explorer has introduced (or at least exposed) several spyware applications on my computer. Happy, happy, joy, joy—not.

For those of you still running IE, switch to Firefox; more features, faster performance, and less spyware. There’s just no excuse…

Coming late to the party

I’ve been contemplating blogging for a while, but couldn’t find sufficient motivation to get started. Recently I’ve realized a few people I know have been maintaining blogs for some time now. My friend Jef, and his girlfriend Becky met through their blogs on LiveJournal, and my former roommate Peter has just started a blog on Salon Blogs

Getting back into photography is actually the impetus for this new blog. Over at simple geek : photoJournal, you can find beginnings of a photoblog I’m hoping will keep me on track with making pictures. Right now I’m working on customizing WordPress to handle the photoblogging duties for me. When I’m done I’ll make: the plug-in, CSS, and Javascript files available for public consumption.

Primarily this written blog will contain: sundry geek rants, notes on my progress losing weight, details of my weight-loss failures in the form of recipes, the occasional movie review, and miscellaneous ruminations on my life. I’ll also be playing around with some WordPress plug-ins, so keep an eye out for new features (and falling rocks…er, code).

So we’ll see how this grand experiment goes, and how long I can manage to update both (either?) blog…