6.002 study group

I enrolled in 6.002x Circuits & Electronics on MITx, if anyone is interested in forming an online/offline study group, let me know. I’m pretty sure I’m going to need help with this one.

Hosting changes

Things are a changin’ at Knot. I’ve started the ball rolling at moving the server infrastructure to a web-hosting provider. It looks to me like most/all of the functions we still depend on can be much more economically handled be an external hosting company. There’s the additional benefit that I’ll be less involved in routine …

Sierra programming language

I ran across the Sierra Programming Language yesterday on Kickstarter. First, I thought it was odd seeing an open source programming language looking for funding. Most of these projects seemed to move forwards pet projects for some programmer or another. The inventor makes some pretty bold claims (5x-6x faster programming). Then looking at it, a …

Dropbox: up to 5gb more space free

We love dropbox. I think we have it on every device that supports it. Now Dropbox is offering up to 5gb more space for those who help BETA test the new “automatic camera import” feature. Head over to the beta forums to get details, then grab the latest version here. (via Engadget)