BasicTeX 2013

Well that didn’t take long. Only 1 month after the release of BasicTeX 2013, I find myself in need of a new package. The TeXLive repository has already deprecated all of the 2012 pacakges, so I’m off and running installing BasicTeX 2013.

This year the steps are mostly the same, with the addition of more packages as I’m continuing my use of LaTeX apace.

  1. tlmgr uninstall
  2. download and install the current BasicTeX package from
  3. update PATH environment variable to include the current install location: /usr/local/texlive/2013basic/bin/universal-darwin
  4. tlmgr update --self
  5. tlmgr update --all
  6. tlmgr install collection-fontsrecommended
  7. tlmgr install subfigure
  8. tlmgr install exam
  9. tlmgr install algorithms
  10. tlmgr install lastpage
  11. tlmgr install paralist
  12. tlmgr install enumitem

You can find the documentation for algorithms, lastpage, and paralist on CTAN.