Christmas Day 2010

Now that the orgy of torn wrapping paper and discarded cardboard is over. The gifts I gave seem to have been mostly duds. Kim doesn’t like the sheets for the bed, and the girls don’t seem interested in building any of their projects. I had planned on spending the afternoon busily assembling the minor DIY type projects with them, but instead I’m posting a blog update.

At the moment all the ladies of the house are working on a puzzle from the Nancy Drew game that the older munchkin got for her hackbook. At least it’s good to seem them puzzle solving and getting some entertainment out of the computers. I’m mostly messing with the fire since we apparently bought very expensive, but not totally seasoned, firewood.

I did make out like a bandit though. I got an Xbox Kinect, three Xbox games, a Micro CNC kit, a Lego Midi-scale Star Destroyer, and a lovely gray heather henley shirt from the girls.