8 replies on “When it rains, it pours”

  1. It’s been a while… (I got your comment on my blog)

    I’ve also had an annoying cold for the past week or two, and still under the weather. (There’s also a stomach virus going around up here in MA, which I’m hoping not to catch.)

    Hoping to get a chance to catch up sometime.


  2. It’s been a while… (I got your comment on my blog)

    I’ve also had an annoying cold for the past week or two, and still under the weather. (There’s also a stomach virus going around up here in MA, which I’m hoping not to catch.)

    Hoping to get a chance to catch up sometime.


  3. I just had that this past weekend. Underneath three blankets, my body was still cold, but my overheated barely-lucid brain, over the course of several sleepless hours, managed to come up with several ludicrous theories about the cause of my illness.

    One was geometric. I can not begin to explain the mechanics of this. Nevertheless, well into the next day, the unverbalized feeling lingered in the back of my mind that with a simple alteration of my geometry, my health would improve, just as increasing the radius of a circle must increase its circumference by a prescribed amount, until I kicked the thought away, annoyed at its strange recurrence, but regretting that such a simple solution was not to be had.

    The other theory that I can (vaguely) recall was political. An important minister had vacated his post with no clear replacement. While the various factions battled behind the scenes, the public perceived only chaos. The government was so undermined that it could neither do battle nor rest, leaving the general public to expend its energy in a frenzy of useless commotion. A direct verbalization of his title might be “Minister of Inflows and Outflows”, though “Treasurer of the Microcosmos” perhaps flows better.

  4. I just had that this past weekend. Underneath three blankets, my body was still cold, but my overheated barely-lucid brain, over the course of several sleepless hours, managed to come up with several ludicrous theories about the cause of my illness.

    One was geometric. I can not begin to explain the mechanics of this. Nevertheless, well into the next day, the unverbalized feeling lingered in the back of my mind that with a simple alteration of my geometry, my health would improve, just as increasing the radius of a circle must increase its circumference by a prescribed amount, until I kicked the thought away, annoyed at its strange recurrence, but regretting that such a simple solution was not to be had.

    The other theory that I can (vaguely) recall was political. An important minister had vacated his post with no clear replacement. While the various factions battled behind the scenes, the public perceived only chaos. The government was so undermined that it could neither do battle nor rest, leaving the general public to expend its energy in a frenzy of useless commotion. A direct verbalization of his title might be “Minister of Inflows and Outflows”, though “Treasurer of the Microcosmos” perhaps flows better.

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